Hello, I’m Jenna

I am a licensed holistic esthetician trained by Botnia, that found her way here on her own journey to healing and a longing for a more simpler and real way of living. I have always found the most peace in the quite still moments before life calls us to action - in the in-between as the sun is rising or as it it setting. Lighting the candle, listening to the trees blow side to side, feeling the warm sun on your skin. A way to slow down every moment you want to last. I want to build a cozy comforting sink into your skin space for you to relax and feel at peace, a place to come back to yourself , to meet you where you’re at and beckon into the moment. When you relax and let go - that is when you will find your answers because just as nature knows how to so do you. I am just here to create a safe space for you to learn, relax and experience a truly beautiful botanical facial. Welcome home.